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Lo siento por muchas direciones son un metodo para que no se caigan los links.
Delen me gusta para recibir noticias , se encuentra a la izquierda
Ahora solo pondre la publicidad molestosa en los links de las partes
Ayuden me clickeando en los anuncios,
y sacare la molestosa publicidad adfly de la pagina
Amigos ahora pondre multilinks osea en varios servidores para evitar la caida de link
Gracias su amigo Rusty.
Algunas peliculas no estan subtituladas. Aparece (NO SUBTITlES) en el post .
Amigos ahora los links en la imagen de descarga.
Gracias .. Rusty

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Total Recall (2012) R5 DVDRip 450MB


Story Line:
In Paul Verhoeven’s wild sci-fi action movie Total Recall, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a 21st-century construction worker who discovers that his entire memory of the past derives from a memory chip implanted in his brain. Schwarzenegger learns that he’s actually a secret agent who had become a threat tothe government, so those in power planted the chip and invented a domestic lifestyle for him. Once he has realized his true identity, he travels to Mars to piece together the rest of his identity, as well as to find the man responsible for his implanted memory. Verhoeven has created a fast, furious action film with Total Recall, filled with impressive stunts and (literally) eye-popping visuals. Though the film bears only a passing resemblance to the Philip K. Dick short story it was based on (“We Can Remember It For You Wholesale”), the movie is an entertaining, if very violent, ride.


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